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Can I Attend Couples Therapy at a Family Therapy Center Without My Partner?

Many couples flounder in troubled marriages for too long. By the time they finally agree to seek help together, the relationship is already so far gone that they need intensive therapy to revive their marriage. Often, the reasons couples wait so long before seeking help is they believe they have to go to therapy together. […]

Many couples flounder in troubled marriages for too long. By the time they finally agree to seek help together, the relationship is already so far gone that they need intensive therapy to revive their marriage. Often, the reasons couples wait so long before seeking help is they believe they have to go to therapy together. Our Las Vegas family therapy center has seen this scenario many times, and as long as at least one partner in the marriage is ready to take a step forward, couples therapy can be successful.

Couples Therapy: Going It Alone at a Family Therapy Center

Find a Marriage Counselor at Our Las Vegas Family Therapy Center

So, your partner refuses to see a marriage counselor? While this can be frustrating, the good news is you can still go, and by doing so, you can start improving the state of your relationship. Couples therapy is really about learning how to successfully interact and navigate relationships.

At our Las Vegas family therapy center, therapists will assist you in improving your conflict management and communication skills. During the process, you’ll learn how to identify the negative patterns in the way people interact, how to recognize your own role in those patterns and learn how you can change your reaction to improve how you approach situations and conflict. While it is best that both partners learn these skills together, when you increase your own abilities in this area, you will ultimately improve the quality of your relationship.

Have you ever heard the aphorism, “A rising tide lifts all boats”? It’s a saying generally reserved for politics and economic matters, yet, it also pertains strongly to interpersonal relationships. The idea here is that improvement in one part (or one person) of the relationship can improve all other aspects of the relationship. This is because the nature of a relationship is defined by two people’s actions and reactions toward each other. If one person learns how to stop acting and reacting in anger and, instead, acts and reacts in a more positive manner, the positive energy gets shared and both partners benefit.

If you begin couples therapy as an individual and your partner agrees to join you after several sessions, then you may consider seeing a different counselor for joint sessions so your partner feels comfortable. Our Las Vegas family therapy center is here to help you and your family succeed and are dedicated to providing you with the best resources and skills you need to do so. If you’re ready to get started, contact Kayenta Therapy at 702-438-7800 today!

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How to Choose the Right Licensed Counselor in Las Vegas

Thinking about going to therapy? There are many licensed counselors in Las Vegas, and choosing the right therapist for you can be tricky. Fortunately, most counselors provide plenty of online information to help you make a good choice. Here are some tips to guide you through the process: Tips for Selecting Licensed Counselors in Las […]

Thinking about going to therapy? There are many licensed counselors in Las Vegas, and choosing the right therapist for you can be tricky. Fortunately, most counselors provide plenty of online information to help you make a good choice. Here are some tips to guide you through the process:

Tips for Selecting Licensed Counselors in Las Vegas

Narrow It Down

Each therapist has their own approach to treatment, and many specialize in specific fields of practice. For example, a cognitive behavioral therapist can help you form healthier habits or cope with anxiety, while a marriage counselor can help you and your partner through relationship roadblocks. Think about what you need from therapy – treatment for a condition, help with a specific problem, etc. – then, narrow down your search to counselors who already advertise that approach.

Ask about Payment Options

Before you make an appointment with a new therapist, call their office to confirm their payment and insurance options. If you have insurance, you want to make sure the therapist you choose is in your network. If you don’t have insurance and are on a tight budget, you can find that counselors who offer payment plans or accept payments on a sliding scale. Don’t be afraid to ask exactly how much a session will cost.

Keep an Open Mind

When you meet with a counselor for the first time, an open mind will be your most important tool. Don’t expect a specific approach or demeanor; instead, answer their questions and consider their feedback. There are plenty of licensed counselors in Las Vegas, and if you don’t feel a connection with the first one you meet with, keep looking. This can help take the pressure off your first session.

Ready to find the right therapist for you? Browse our online directory of licensed counselors at Kayenta Therapy to get started. Contact us today at 702-438-7800 for more information.

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Does Insurance Cover Family Therapy?

Mental and emotional health are just as important as physical health. This is true of individuals and families alike. At Kayenta Therapy in Las Vegas, we offer various services to assist family members dealing with major life transitions, difficult circumstances and specific mental or behavioral issues. A question commonly asked by our clients is whether […]

Mental and emotional health are just as important as physical health. This is true of individuals and families alike. At Kayenta Therapy in Las Vegas, we offer various services to assist family members dealing with major life transitions, difficult circumstances and specific mental or behavioral issues. A question commonly asked by our clients is whether or not insurance covers their family therapy.

In most cases, the answer is yes. However, insurance plans must follow the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA). Commonly referred to as the Federal Parity Law, this 2008 act requires most healthcare insurance companies to ensure the same coverage of treatment for mental illness and addiction as they do for physical ailments.

Understanding Insurance Plans for Family Therapy in Las Vegas

If you have the following types of healthcare plans, your insurance will likely cover family therapy as much as it covers physical-based healthcare:

Find Out Whether Insurance Covers Family Therapy in Las Vegas

  • Any employer group plans that include 51 or more employees
  • Most employer group plans with 50 or fewer employees – with the exception of any plans grandfathered in, i.e. plans that remain unchanged since the law’s enactment date which was March 23, 2010
  • Any healthcare plan purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace
  • Most individual and group health plans purchased independently – with the exception of any plans grandfathered in
  • Medicaid managed care plans
  • Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
  • State Children’s Health Insurance Program
  • Nevada health plans
  • Various local government health plans

Currently, in addition to any grandfathered in plans, the following types of health insurance are not required to follow federal parity (although some still comply):

  • Medicare
  • Medicaid fee-for-service plans
  • Any healthcare plan that explicitly offers an exemption or decreased premium in exchange for an increase of costs associated to parity

Will My Employer Know I Requested Family Therapy?

Some of our clients are reticent to attend family therapy due to a concern that their employer might find out. If you are self-insured, your employer cannot obtain any type of health information about you from any healthcare provider without your authorization, with a few legal exceptions requiring disclosure. At Kayenta, we provide special low-cost therapy solutions for those who would rather pay out-of-pocket for complete privacy than have claims listed on their insurance.

For those on a group plan through an employer, the insurer can provide your employer with an overview about your healthcare, including the name of a therapy clinic. However, the Americans with Disabilities Act provides protection and prevents an employer from using mental and emotional treatment therapy as a reason to terminate or otherwise discipline employees. To learn more about family therapy in Las Vegas or to book a session, contact us today at 702-438-7800.

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Issues Addressed in Therapy

Many people think seeking therapy signifies weakness, lack of control or mental instability. Most of the time, however, this is not the case. In reality, everyone can benefit from seeing a therapist. Therapy can make you emotionally (and even physically) stronger. It can help you become more organized, productive and successful, and many of the […]

Many people think seeking therapy signifies weakness, lack of control or mental instability. Most of the time, however, this is not the case. In reality, everyone can benefit from seeing a therapist. Therapy can make you emotionally (and even physically) stronger. It can help you become more organized, productive and successful, and many of the world’s most well-respected leaders seek therapy.

Nobody is immune to stress, depression, marital problems, or parenting issues. These are just a few of the things a therapist can help you address. The list of issues treated in therapy is nearly endless. But, there are some common reasons people from all walks of life seek therapy.

Issues Addressed in Therapy

Check Out Kayenta Therapy in Las Vegas


Some people have specific goals they would like to achieve or issues they’d like to work on in order to live happier, more fulfilling lives.

Family Problems

Family dynamics can be difficult to understand, much less navigate. Many people (and families) work with therapists to improve communication and relationships and help them overcome emotional trauma caused by family problems.


Sometimes, people realize they are not meant to be together and decide to legally separate. Therapy can help parents who are divorcing walk their children through the process, develop healthy co-parenting relationships and deal with the stress divorce often creates.


No one chooses to become addicted to chemicals, compulsive eating or unhealthy behaviors such as gambling. It just happens. Thankfully, there are therapists who specialize in helping people understand and address their addictions.

Anxiety, Depression and Anger

Feelings and emotions are normal – but not if they continually have a negative effect on your life. Therapists can help you understand and overcome the causes of anxiety, depression, anger, and other self-defeating feelings.

Communication Problems

Many people struggle to communicate with others at work or in social situations. Sometimes, all that is needed is spending time with a therapist to overcome social anxiety, communication problems and other issues that keep you from feeling comfortable interacting with others.


Life is full of decisions. Investing in therapy allows you to talk through major decisions, evaluate your options from a variety of angles and feel more confident with the choices you make.


Dealing with loss – whether the loss of a loved one, a relationship or a job – can be difficult. Therapy can help you cope with the loss quicker and move forward with positive purpose.

Could You Benefit from Therapy?

Everyone can benefit from therapy. Contact us at 702-438-7800 to schedule your first session today!

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Don’t Let These Therapy Myths Keep You from Visiting a Counseling Center

Therapy offers a wide range of benefits. It is a great way to help people deal with their problems and emotions. Yet, so many people avoid therapy due to misconceptions they have about what it’s really like. At Kayenta Therapy, we believe in the power of change and want to help break down these social […]

Therapy offers a wide range of benefits. It is a great way to help people deal with their problems and emotions. Yet, so many people avoid therapy due to misconceptions they have about what it’s really like. At Kayenta Therapy, we believe in the power of change and want to help break down these social stigmas. Here are three of the most common therapy myths we hear at our counseling center in Las Vegas and why you shouldn’t believe them:

3 Common Myths about Visiting a Counseling Center in Las Vegas

Myth #1: If I go to therapy, I am crazy or weak.

Going to therapy is not a sign of weakness or mental instability. In fact, most people who attend therapy sessions are just the opposite. Life can be very challenging; everyone goes through difficult times. There is nothing wrong with asking for help in dealing with these situations.

Recognizing your needs and limitations is a sign of strength, not weakness. Therapy can help you gain a new perspective. New insight into your struggles can help you process your own emotions about the circumstances.

Myth #2: Therapy is an expensive, ongoing commitment.

Going to therapy is not a promise to continue the sessions for the rest of your life. Although some people may benefit from attending therapy long-term, many will reap tremendous benefits from just a few sessions.

Another common concern is the financial commitment. At Kayenta Therapy, we offer low cost therapy options to help people stay within budget. Some healthcare insurance plans provide therapy coverage as well.

Myth #3: I cannot see a marriage counselor if my partner and I aren’t married.

A marriage counselor works with all different types of couples – from dating to divorce. They will even work with non-romantic couples who are experiencing problems in their relationships, such as parents and children or close friends. Marriage counselors are there to help two people better understand and connect with one another, regardless of their marital status. Couples therapy can also be beneficial to happy couples who aren’t experiencing any major issues, as it provides a guidepost to keep their relationship on the right track.

Stop letting these myths keep you from attending therapy. Kayenta Therapy is the largest private counseling center in Las Vegas. For over 10 years, we’ve been helping people acquire the tools for change that will help them find greater growth and joy. For more information and to schedule a session, contact us today at 702-438-7800.

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Family Therapy Tips to Help Your Children Cope with Tragedy

Children are often left confused and scared after a loss or frightening event. They may wonder if they are safe or if something could happen again to someone they love, and the anxiety can start to spread into other areas of their lives. These thoughts and feelings are all normal and responding to them with […]

Children are often left confused and scared after a loss or frightening event. They may wonder if they are safe or if something could happen again to someone they love, and the anxiety can start to spread into other areas of their lives.

These thoughts and feelings are all normal and responding to them with care is critical to ensuring your children’s well-being. Las Vegas family therapy can equip you with the tools you need to help your children cope.

Give Your Children a Break

Following a tragedy, little minds can get information overload quickly. As more and more information is discussed or revealed, anxiety and stress can increase for your little ones. Turn the news off and keep discussions about family events as private as possible. Have distraction-free conversations with your kids.

Be Honest – to a Point

While you don’t want to mislead your children or gloss over important specifics, there’s no need to go into detail about violent or frightening events. Your kids will probably have lots of questions and being open and honest will help them feel safe. However, be sure to add reassurances to your answers and leave out disturbing details.

Spend Extra Time with Your Kids

In the days and weeks following a tragedy, questions, concerns and other issues will present themselves at unexpected times. Perhaps your child has been thinking about an aspect of the event. By spending extra time with your kids, you’ll not only help build a sense of security, but you’ll also be available for these discussions.

How Las Vegas Family Therapy Can Help

If your child is showing signs of extreme fear and anxiety such as restlessness, difficulty concentrating, or changes in appetite and activity level, consider speaking with a Las Vegas family therapy expert. At Kayenta, we’re dedicated to giving parents and children the tools they need to feel safe and succeed in every area of their lives. Contact us today at 702-4387800 to learn more.

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How Therapy Actually Works

While therapy is a unique experience for everyone, knowing what to expect can be helpful for those who are still thinking about trying a Las Vegas therapy session. Here are a few common misconceptions, along with what you can expect. 1. The Eureka Moment Movies and TV shows often portray patients as having a sudden […]

While therapy is a unique experience for everyone, knowing what to expect can be helpful for those who are still thinking about trying a Las Vegas therapy session. Here are a few common misconceptions, along with what you can expect.

1. The Eureka Moment

Movies and TV shows often portray patients as having a sudden “aha!” moment where everything becomes clear and they are suddenly able to go about life in a new and better way.

While many people do experience breakthroughs and big realizations during a therapy session, these moments are not the end of therapy. Even with a big breakthrough, there’s still a lot of work to be done if behaviors are going to change. Plus, most breakthroughs will address a specific idea or area and won’t be a magic fix-it for all life’s problems.

2. You Need Fixing

Many people think that visiting a therapist is like visiting a medical doctor: you describe what’s troubling you, and then receive treatment to fix what’s wrong. Once treatment is complete, your illness will be banished, never to return.

Unfortunately, we all know the human mind doesn’t work that way. Everyone is different so there’s rarely a prescribed course of action that’s just right for everyone. Instead, your therapy sessions will help you uncover strengths you can use and new skills you can apply to face life’s challenges.

You might benefit from trying new approaches and learning your strengths so you can achieve more. Visiting your therapist often is the best way to reach your goals.

3. The Iconic Couch

Another takeaway from television and films is that there’s always a couch and you have to lie down on it. Your session does not have to consist of you facing away from the therapist and describing your entire childhood to discover what’s going wrong now.

There may be a couch but there’s probably also chairs. The point is for you to be comfortable. Gone are the days where every adult decision and interaction stems from your childhood relationship with your mother. Today’s therapists are far more focused on making each day better.

4. How Does That Make You Feel?

Don’t worry. This question is not going to follow every statement you make during your therapy sessions. Your therapist cares far more about finding actionable solutions to what’s difficult for you. Of course, your feelings matter a great deal and if you need to talk about them, please do! But if you prefer to stick to making plans and acquiring tools, that’s good too.

Find a Las Vegas Therapy Center

Therapy is only what you need it to be and will only give you what you put into it. Our experienced therapists are here to help you and show you how therapy can benefit you. Contact Kayenta Therapy Centers at 702-438-7800 to find out how to start Las Vegas therapy and show you how we can help you reach your goals.

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How a Counselor Can Help You Maintain Motivation When Suffering Depression

Motivation is what keeps us going, even when we feel the odds are stacked against us. It’s the inner voice that says, “Don’t give up, you’re almost there.” What about when life’s obstacles appear to block our path to success? Staying motivated can be difficult in the best of times. If you’re dealing with depression, […]

Motivation is what keeps us going, even when we feel the odds are stacked against us. It’s the inner voice that says, “Don’t give up, you’re almost there.” What about when life’s obstacles appear to block our path to success?

Staying motivated can be difficult in the best of times. If you’re dealing with depression, it can be even harder. Las Vegas counseling can help you maintain motivation and reach your personal goals.

Maintain Motivation

Depression can make it difficult for you to engage in your normal activities. A therapist can help you sustain motivation, identify goals, and work with you to break them down into manageable steps that increase your optimism and self-confidence.

When feeling depressed taking action of any kind sounds impossible. While it’s always important to give depression the attention it needs, it’s equally important to understand the concept of “mind over matter” can help create motivation when you’re depressed. In other words, if you make just a few changes in mindset, you can change your experience with depression.

Improve Low Motivation

There are many ways counseling can help you improve motivation. Here are just three:

  1. A counselor can help you discover new skills you can connect to a life situation and personal goals.
  2. A counselor can help you learn to focus on positive experiences and expectations as a way to reach your goals. Revisiting past successes helps you identify strengths and abilities you may not see while depressed.
  3. A counselor can help re-frame negative experiences in a more positive light. It’s easy to get discouraged about the future when your depression causes you to think about unpleasant past experiences. You can learn to recognize the coping skills you once used to get through a tough time are, in fact, strengths that can be used in the present moment.

How Las Vegas Counseling can Help

Depression does not have to consume your motivation. With the help of Las Vegas counseling, you can learn how to stay motivated and continue to work towards your goal, even while dealing with depression. Call Kayenta Therapy at 702-438-7800 to learn more.

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Tips from Family Therapists on Managing Work Stress and Home Life

Work-life balance is described as the ability to find harmony between the day-to-day responsibilities at work and the precious hours you spend off the clock. It’s easier said than done. A recent study revealed that up to 60 percent of all Americans have an unhealthy work-life balance, which is no way to live. So how […]

Work-life balance is described as the ability to find harmony between the day-to-day responsibilities at work and the precious hours you spend off the clock. It’s easier said than done. A recent study revealed that up to 60 percent of all Americans have an unhealthy work-life balance, which is no way to live.

So how do you manage work stress and home life to achieve the elusive work-life balance? You can start with tips from family therapists in Las Vegas:

Set goals (but keep them manageable)

Research shows, people who are in control of their work experience less stress. One easy way to gain control over workloads and deadlines is to set reasonable and manageable goals. If you make a “to-do” list, eliminate the things that don’t matter and accomplish the things that do matter, you will be likely to experience less stress.

Make the most of your time

Procrastination is a catalyst for stress. The longer you wait to take on a task, the more insurmountable it seems in your mind.

So take on those big projects. Start by breaking them down into smaller tasks and completing each one before moving on to the next. Not only will you accomplish something, but you will spend less time worrying and stressing.


Questions, concerns and frustrations are not meant to be buried inside of you. Hold enough of them in and you just might burst like a balloon.

Instead, communicate with your colleagues, friends and family about what’s bothering you. Hearing yourself talk about a problem might help put the problem in perspective. It might also lead to finding a solution.

Unplug and recharge

There was a time around the turn of the century when people were able to unplug. Cell phones, internet access and instant messages were not ubiquitous–and that’s a good thing. Sadly, too many people never unplug or take time to recharge.

By switching things off once in a while and getting away from work, you are more likely to feel more relaxed, especially at home.

Practice self-care

Eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep and learning how to relax are critically important. Regardless of how busy you are at work or at home, you owe it to yourself to make the conscious and active choice to engage in activities that are good for you physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Asking for help from a family therapist

Set your pride aside and ask for help. Talk to your supervisor, reach out to family, or seek professional support from a family therapist in Las Vegas.

Kayenta Therapy Centers has family therapists that can meet with you and help you achieve a work-life balance. Connect with Kayenta Therapy Centers today–and start experiencing the harmony you deserve. Call 702-438-7800 to learn more.

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8 Signs It’s time to See a Counselor

Whether it’s one particular area of your life, or the combination of everything together, therapy is something everyone can access to get the tools and the skills needed to live a stronger life. Most people think you need a specific mental illness to benefit from therapy. The truth is that stress, anxiety, or even just […]

Whether it’s one particular area of your life, or the combination of everything together, therapy is something everyone can access to get the tools and the skills needed to live a stronger life. Most people think you need a specific mental illness to benefit from therapy. The truth is that stress, anxiety, or even just feeling overwhelmed are all things a counseling center in Las Vegas can help with.

Not sure therapy is right for you? Here are 8 signs it’s time to see a therapist at Kayenta Therapy.

1. Intense Feelings

While a full range of emotions is normal, being overcome with rage, sadness, anxiety, or only being able to see the worst in every situation isn’t something you have to live with.

2. Life Struggles

Life comes with struggles that we all face. However, there can be certain circumstances such as breakups, loss of a job or the death of a loved one where the grief can be long-lasting and get in the way of your health. A counseling center can help you find ways to experience these feelings in a healthy way so you can stay engaged with your best life.

3. Unexplained Physical Problems

Chronic headaches, stomach aches, a diminished sex drive, and aches and pains your doctor cannot seem to find a cause for may be linked to stress or other emotional sources. Not every unexplained physical problem is caused by mental health issues but a therapist may be able to give you additional answers your primary care doctor couldn’t.

4. Substance Use

Even if you don’t consider yourself an addict, if you feel like you need a drink or medication to cope with the everyday, a therapist will give you healthier, long-lasting alternatives. If you find yourself turning to food for comfort, or avoiding food when you’re stressed, we can help.

5. Difficulty at Work

Adults spend most of their time at work. If you’re not as productive as you used to be or you’re consistently receiving poor feedback, a therapist can help you get to the bottom of the problem.

6. Loss of Interest

Our tastes change over the years. What was exciting and fun at 21 might be exhausting and chaotic at 40. On the other hand, if you’re suddenly uninterested in a favorite hobby or you’re avoiding social gatherings you once enjoyed, there might be more to the story.

7. Strained Relationships

If relationships–from partners to parents to children–seems harder than it should be or if you’re having trouble explaining how you feel or what you need, therapy can help. Individual counseling can help you identify problems and family therapy can help bring families back together.

8. Concern from Others

If your friends and family are frequently concerned about your well-being, take them seriously. Other people in our lives can often spot things we are blind to.

Reaching Out to a Counseling Center in Las Vegas

If any of these apply to you, or if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and you’re ready to find your way out, we can help. Contact Kayenta, a counseling center in Las Vegas, at 702-438-7800 to learn more.

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