Although getting together with family during the holidays can be fun, old patterns, habits and issues don’t just go away. There is also lot of pressure to make the holidays “perfect”, which is a tall order even if your family isn’t dysfunctional. Being prepared and having realistic expectations can help you find more joy in […]
Even in the best of circumstances divorce can be emotionally draining and stressful. Taking good care of yourself both physically and mentally can help you cope in a positive manner and make this time of transition easier for everyone involved. Seeking help through divorce counseling can facilitate constructive communication and make your parting more amicable. […]
Telehealth options have significantly expanded during the coronavirus pandemic. Although COVID-19 forced many people to switch to telehealth therapy sessions for a while, some have chosen to return to traditional, in-person appointments with their therapists. Depending on your schedule, personality and goals for therapy, you may find that you prefer one over the other. If […]
Spending time with your family can bring great joy and strengthen your connections, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, families have been confined together for months, which can put a strain on relationships. In addition, parents and children are using technology like social media, video games, the internet, and other digital diversions to entertain and distract […]
Most kids have anxiety about going back to school at one time or another. Change is hard and returning to school during a pandemic is unchartered territory for students and parents. Helping your child cope with anxiety about getting back to a school routine can help make the transition easier and let them know hey […]
Due to the coronavirus, most schools, businesses and mental health facilities have been closed for months. For children with special needs, disruptions in their schedule can seriously affect their progress and take a toll on the whole family. Teletherapy is just one way many families are helping their children get the assistance they need. Ways […]
In these uncertain times anxiety is more common than ever, especially in children. When your child is anxious, your first instinct may be to protect them from their fears, but it’s important to help kids learn how to cope with anxiety on their own. In addition to taking your child to see a therapist, there […]
Getting back into the groove of going to school can be challenging in the best of times. During the coronavirus pandemic, easing into the school year may seem overwhelming for both parents and kids. With so much uncertainty surrounding different areas of life, children may feel anxious or unsure about what to expect after the […]
In these uncertain times, children and adults alike are struggling with the lasting effects of COVID-19. Being isolated from friends and doing schoolwork from home can leave children feeling lonely, depressed or anxious. When children return to school in the fall, it’s a good idea to prepare for what may be around the bend once […]
Now that many places are open for business, people who have been at home for months due to COVID-19 are carefully venturing out. For some, the thought of dining out at a restaurant, catching a movie, traveling or even going to the grocery store brings up feelings of anxiety and fear. These feelings are normal […]