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The Signs of Social Anxiety Disorder that Therapy in Las Vegas can Help You Manage

Social anxiety disorder can be incredibly overwhelming. For people who don’t understand what’s going on, it can be debilitating, stopping life in its tracks and making it hard to perform even the simplest of functions. Social anxiety disorder is a common reason people seek therapy in Las Vegas. If you think you may have social anxiety disorder, […]

Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder can be incredibly overwhelming. For people who don’t understand what’s going on, it can be debilitating, stopping life in its tracks and making it hard to perform even the simplest of functions.

Social anxiety disorder is a common reason people seek therapy in Las Vegas. If you think you may have social anxiety disorder, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Experienced professionals are trained to help people identify and deal with these situations.

The following are some symptoms of social anxiety disorder therapy in Las Vegas can help you manage:

  • Problems Sleeping. Social anxiety disorder can cause any number of sleep problems, including insomnia or the inability to stay asleep throughout the night. Many people who suffer from this condition experience unrestful sleep, even when they manage to sleep through the night.
  • Self-Consciousness. Are you afraid others will judge you? Do you have difficulty meeting others and interacting with people in shared spaces? Often, people with social anxiety disorder fear humiliation, embarrassment, or rejection. Therapists are trained to provide you with the tools necessary to see social interactions in a positive light, helping you overcome the fears associated with meeting other people so you can begin to enjoy interacting with others.
  • Making and Keeping Friends. It’s tough to make friends when you’re not comfortable being around new people. This can cause feelings of loneliness and isolation, which further perpetuate the problems associated with social anxiety disorder. Friends play an important role in humans’ mental health, and the better support system you have, the easier it will be to overcome your anxieties.
  • Physical Symptoms. Blushing, sweating, or trembling are symptoms often experienced by people with social anxiety disorder. There are many coping mechanisms you can learn to reduce the physical symptoms associated with social discomfort. Once you understand why your mind is uncomfortable, your body will begin to settle down, as well. Therapy in Las Vegas will help you learn how the body and mind work together to create a healthier, happier you.
  • Avoidance of Places Where You’ll Run into People. For people who don’t suffer from social anxiety disorder, this statement can seem unreasonable. After all, you’re going to run into people no matter where you go. Unfortunately, this fear is all too real for people who suffer social anxiety disorder. It can stop you from visiting the grocery store, going out with friends, and even prevent you from holding down a job. It’s a scary situation to be in, but with professional guidance, you’ll be able to reduce or eliminate your fears so you can go on living your life.

Therapy in Las Vegas can help

Kayenta Therapy Centers offer therapy in Las Vegas for people who need assistance understanding and overcoming social anxiety disorder. We provide a supportive, caring environment that encourages personal development and growth. Browse our frequently asked questions, and reach out to us at 702-438-7800 to learn more.

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How to Work Through a Quarter-Life Crisis with Las Vegas Therapy

Ah, your 20s and 30s! A time of limitless opportunities and adventures to embrace and enjoy before the period of marriage and a mortgage. Unfortunately, for many of today’s young adults, it is instead a time filled with confusion, uncertainty, and depression. They feel stuck in a sort of permanent adolescence, but with more grown-up […]

Ah, your 20s and 30s! A time of limitless opportunities and adventures to embrace and enjoy before the period of marriage and a mortgage. Unfortunately, for many of today’s young adults, it is instead a time filled with confusion, uncertainty, and depression. They feel stuck in a sort of permanent adolescence, but with more grown-up responsibilities like unemployment, complicated relationships, and debt. Psychologists now define this is as a “quarter-life crisis.” Getting help with Las Vegas therapy through Kayenta is one way to start working through this crisis.

Young, Insecure and Depressed

Quarter Life Crisis

If you think you’re going through a quarter-life crisis of your own, the “good” news is you’re not alone. Fortunately, most people come out the other side in a better state of mind, and there are plenty of ways, Las Vegas therapy helps to make dealing with and moving past it a little easier. This time of intense soul-searching and stress is typically caused by feeling you’re not achieving your full potential, or are being left behind as your peers seem to become ever more successful.

So how do you make a smooth transition to the “real” adult world when everything and everyone around you is saying you’re not ready?

Working Through a Quarter Life Crisis

The 20s and 30s have always been a period of transition and keeping that in mind can help you stay grounded. Remember, you can’t fix everything in an instant. Be patient, set realistic goals and:

  • Listen to What Your Inner Voice Is Saying. Your life’s purpose can be found within you, but it’s often difficult to hear your own voice when others are telling you how to live your life. Try to tune in to and recognize what excites you.
  • Stop Living Your Life for Others. If you constantly think about what other people want or even what they want for you, you’re trying to meet someone else’s needs. Ignore your own needs and you may end up feeling empty and resentful.
  • Tap Into Your Resistance. Feeling resentful? Instead of fighting it, work to discover what it’s trying to tell you. Angst can be the key to the freedom you need to develop into the person you are meant to be.

The true source of the discontentment that comes with a quarter-life crisis is within you, not your surroundings. To fix this requires working on improving the way you handle stressful thoughts and situations. Seeking Las Vegas therapy on how to achieve emotional intelligence will help you better cope, keep things in perspective, and grow into a valuable, contributing adult.

Las Vegas Therapy for A Quarter-Life Crisis

There’s no easy way to avoid what you’re going through, any more than a way to skip through this time in your life. Kayenta Therapy can help you maneuver your quarter-life crisis and find your own path in life. Contact us today at 702-438-7800 to learn more about how our Las Vegas therapy center can put you on the road to a successful adulthood.

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Family Counselor in Las Vegas Helps you Cope with Empty Nest Syndrome

There comes a time when children must leave the nest and embark new lives away from their parents, whether that’s starting college in a new city or moving to a new state for a job. While coping with your children leaving home is a big challenge, finding a family counselor in Las Vegas who can […]

There comes a time when children must leave the nest and embark new lives away from their parents, whether that’s starting college in a new city or moving to a new state for a job. While coping with your children leaving home is a big challenge, finding a family counselor in Las Vegas who can talk through your empty nest syndrome doesn’t have to be.

Here are common questions about empty nest syndrome and how a family counselor can help:

What is empty nest syndrome?

Empty nest syndrome sums up the feelings of sadness parents may feel when their last child leaves the house, the Mayo Clinic states.

What can trigger empty nest syndrome?

When their children move away, parents can feel at a loss because they have grown used to their children’s companionship at home. If they are questioning their children’s ability to take care of themselves independently or their safety outside of the home, this can also trigger empty nest syndrome.

Who is more likely to experience empty nest syndrome?

Parents who have only had one child or who most likely identify with their roles as parents are probably most likely to have empty nest syndrome and have a harder time coping with this condition, the Mayo Clinic suggests.

In addition, Dr. Kyle Bradford Jones, a family physician, said stay at home parents are also susceptible to this condition and the syndrome can be a critical problem, according to the University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.

Why should parents with empty nest syndrome seek help?

Being apart from family is both distressing to children and to parents. As a result of empty nest syndrome, parents can experience negative side effects to their health and relationships, including:

  • Identity crisis. Once again, people who best identify as parents will have more difficulties with an empty home.
  • Depression. With a loss to the family dynamic to which they have been accustomed, parents may have feelings of depression
  • Lack of sleep. Dr. Jones noted parents may have issues with sleeping if they are experiencing empty nest syndrome.
  • Problems with marriage. Without their children, couples may find themselves in more conflict due to these negative feelings like guilt.

What are the benefits of speaking with a family counselor in Las Vegas?

Though parents may not want to admit they have empty nest syndrome, they could benefit from finding a family counselor in Las Vegas. Children of parents suffering from empty nest syndrome are also likely to notice parents becoming depressed. Parents who are in the beginning stages of empty nest syndrome, and especially those who have severe depression or anxiety, should seek help through a family counselor.

Dr. Jones says seeking therapy can encourage parents to acknowledge these emotions and talking to someone can help with coping with these feelings and the transition into dealing with an empty house.

For more information on coping with empty nest syndrome through a family counselor in Las Vegas, call 702-438-7800 to schedule an appointment with Kayenta Therapy.

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Family Therapists in Las Vegas Help Navigate Parenting Plan Changes

As if you and your children didn’t go through enough disturbance as you navigated separation, divorce and a parenting plan. Now you’re bracing to enter unchartered territory: negotiating changes to your parenting plan. There are good reasons to make changes, especially if you and your ex-spouse are united in the goal of placing the needs […]

Parents with Child - Divorce

As if you and your children didn’t go through enough disturbance as you navigated separation, divorce and a parenting plan. Now you’re bracing to enter unchartered territory: negotiating changes to your parenting plan.

There are good reasons to make changes, especially if you and your ex-spouse are united in the goal of placing the needs and interests of your children first. But this doesn’t make the prospect of navigating the process any easier.

What can make it easier, for you and your children, is seeking assistance from an experienced family therapist in Las Vegas at Kayenta Therapy. We can help calm fears, lower anxiety, reduce conflict and otherwise serve as a compassionate sounding board for any of the very human emotions divorce — and post-divorce life — triggers.

Watch for signs your children may need a family therapist in Las Vegas

Having already gone through a separation and divorce, you probably have a good idea as to when your children may be troubled by the events swirling around them – no matter how valiant your efforts to insulate them from the most confidential details of your parenting plan. Trust your gut instinct, and if it tells you to make an appointment with a family therapist in Las Vegas at Kayenta, don’t hesitate to do so. Otherwise, be alert for these telltale signs of stress in your children:

  • Acting out or throwing tantrums
  • Being manipulative
  • Displaying compulsive or reckless behavior
  • Eating or sleeping problems (too much or not enough)
  • Exhibiting verbal or nonverbal signs of separation anxiety
  • Experiencing prolonged moodiness or irritability
  • Grappling with sadness or depression
  • Reverting to childlike tendencies
  • Struggling with renewed feelings of guilt over the divorce
  • Withdrawing from academic or social activities

Heed the signs you may need a family therapist in Las Vegas

As you review this list, you might see a mirror into your own feelings. A Kayenta family therapist can also help if you’re:

  • Criticizing or badmouthing your ex about your parenting plan in front of your children
  • Putting your children directly in the vortex of the potential parenting plan changes
  • Using the legal system – and specifically the parenting plan – to fight with or punish your ex-spouse.

A family therapist in Las Vegas can steer you to calmer waters

As a proud member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, the counselors at Kayenta Therapy agree that “family therapists can assist in the process of redefining relationships and addressing family members’ responsibilities and needs” during and after divorce. Specifically, we can defuse tensions during this pivotal time by helping you and your children:

  • Enhance your non-aggressive negotiation skills
  • Accept the divorce (since a parenting plan can reopen old wounds)
  • Hone constructive and positive communication skills
  • Polish your problem-solving abilities
  • Talk about whatever is troubling you about the parenting plan

This last point is key because at Kayenta, we know every family and every parenting plan is different. This is why we ask you to set the agenda – the “talking points,” if you will. We’ll guide the way to a calmer, more peaceful and happier life with your new parenting plan. Schedule an appointment with a family therapist in Las Vegas at Kayenta by calling 702-438-7800.

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5 Ways to Parent on Your Own Terms After a Divorce with Las Vegas Counseling

If you are going through a divorce, or have recently divorced, you know just how difficult this period of time is. Add children to the equation, and it gets even more complicated and challenging. Here are a few Las Vegas counseling tips for parenting on your own terms that can help make this transition period […]

Parents Arguing with Child

If you are going through a divorce, or have recently divorced, you know just how difficult this period of time is. Add children to the equation, and it gets even more complicated and challenging. Here are a few Las Vegas counseling tips for parenting on your own terms that can help make this transition period go as smoothly as possible.

    • Do Not Waive Consequences Due to Feeling GuiltyWhile you may feel guilty due to the inevitable disruption in your child’s life as a result of your divorce, it’s important not to waive consequences of poor behavior. Consistency is important, so if your child acts out, make sure the consequence of the behavior does not waver. For instance, if your child talks back to you make sure the consequence remains the same as before your divorce. After the fact, talk to your child to determine what is going on with him or her, and allow your child to openly talk about their feelings surrounding your divorce.
    • Do Not Let Your Child Get Caught in the MiddleLife will be much easier for your child if they aren’t caught in the middle of you and your ex-spouse. Avoid badmouthing your ex or saying anything that might make your child feel he or she has to choose a side. In the long run, this will help your child have a healthier relationship with you and your ex.
    • Realize It’s Okay to Fall ApartDivorce is hard and it’s okay for you to feel sad, overwhelmed, angry, and so forth. It is also okay for your child to see you have difficult feelings. The important thing to remember is to not over share what you’re going through.
    • Remember It’s Okay to Have Your Own Parenting StyleYou and your ex might have different parenting styles, but that is perfectly okay. When the kids are with you and in your home, you are the one who is in charge and makes the rules. Expect your child to follow the rules for your home and don’t worry about the rules in your ex’s home. Scheduling a Las Vegas counseling session can help you find ways to parent your child without invading your ex’s parenting style.
    • Dealing with the Transition Between HomesIt may be difficult for your child to transition between your home and your ex’s each week, resulting in your child acting out. For instance, they may go into their bedroom and shut the door, or may have an outburst. Try to be understanding as to the feelings behind the acting out and encourage your child to talk about their feelings. However, it might be necessary there be consequences for the behavior, depending on the behavior.

Get Las Vegas Counseling through Kayenta

While parenting is a tough job, talking it out in counseling is a great way to help you through the rough patches. Contact Kayenta Therapy Centers at 702-438-7800 to find your counselor today.

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How to Spot Behavioral Issues in Children after a Divorce, with Family Therapy in Las Vegas

Divorce is usually painful for the couple. Often the split up of a family is particularly devastating to the children. Kids whose parents are in the process of separating or who are divorced have a tendency to react poorly and may demonstrate poor disciplinary behavior. Family therapy in Las Vegas through Kayenta is a great […]

Child Divorce Counseling

Divorce is usually painful for the couple. Often the split up of a family is particularly devastating to the children. Kids whose parents are in the process of separating or who are divorced have a tendency to react poorly and may demonstrate poor disciplinary behavior. Family therapy in Las Vegas through Kayenta is a great tool to find balance in a divorce.

How Kids React to Divorce

Kids go through similar steps as their parents when they deal with a divorce. To help your child, you should start by trying to determine where they are in the process of coming to terms with the new familial dynamic.

Denial occurs when a child refuses to accept the fact their parents are getting or are now divorced. At this stage, kids may resist by:

  • Refusing to talk about or even ignoring the situation
  • Lying when asked about their parents
  • Planning or talking about future activities which involve both parents

Anger is the second stage of the process when kids show signs of harmful behavior. You can identify these signs when kids are:

  • Becoming verbally abusive to parents and teachers
  • Shutting down or starting to participate in risky behavior
  • Showing signs of violence with peers
  • Choosing sides in the divorce

Bargaining is when a child tries to get their parents to reconcile a marriage by:

  • Promising to “be better”
  • Creating imaginative illnesses or injuring themselves
  • Turning into a disciplinary problem at school

Depression sets in when a child discovers they cannot stop their parents from splitting up. Signs of depression include:

  • Withdrawing from activities they previously enjoyed
  • Getting poor grades in school
  • Experiencing severe shifts in sleeping patterns
  • Having random emotional outbreaks

Acceptance is the last stage in the process and when kids start to feel comfortable with their new life.

Stop Feeling Guilty

Helping your child overcome behavior issues which stem from your divorce is difficult. To make matters worse, you may feel your child’s bad behavior is your fault. It is not. Studies show while children may experience issues after a divorce, these problems are less severe than when parents remain in a bad marriage “for the sake of the kids.”

Start the Healing Process

As a mother or father, there is nothing more precious than your child. While it’s unrealistic to think your divorce will not affect your kids, you can decrease behavioral issues by:

  • Reminding your child they’re not the cause of the divorce and you and your ex-spouse will always love them
  • Encouraging your child to share their feelings with both parents
  • Explaining to your child it’s natural to feel the way they do. There is not a correct way for them to feel in the situation
  • Engaging in negative behavior will only make things worse

Take the Next Step with family therapy in Las Vegas

It’s difficult to help your child alone. Kayenta Therapy Centers offers family therapy Las Vegas residents can depend upon. Find out more by calling 702-438-7800 to speak with a professional family therapist and to schedule an appointment today.

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Family Therapists in Las Vegas Discuss how to Plan Vacations with Kids as a Divorced Parents

Planning family vacations requires a certain amount of skill and fortitude. You have to budget properly, adjust everyone’s schedules, and notify people of your plans. When you’re divorced, all of these difficulties are amplified. Getting everyone on the same page in a split-parent household is a job all in itself. Vacations only make things more […]

Parents Fighting

Planning family vacations requires a certain amount of skill and fortitude. You have to budget properly, adjust everyone’s schedules, and notify people of your plans. When you’re divorced, all of these difficulties are amplified.

Getting everyone on the same page in a split-parent household is a job all in itself. Vacations only make things more difficult, as schedules and visitations are often disrupted.

Have you considered visiting a family therapist in Las Vegas? They will help you navigate the waters and come up with scheduling solutions to keep everybody happy so you can relax during your vacation the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

Follow these tips:

  • Plan as Far in Advance as Possible

    If you’d like your kids to see the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, put that thought on the table as soon as it crosses your mind. If you’re thinking about taking a road trip to a neighboring city that’s six or seven hours away, let your ex know as soon as possible.

    No matter how far or near you’re planning to travel, it’s best to let your former partner know as soon as possible. The earlier the planning, the fewer obstacles you’re likely to encounter when packing day arrives.

  • Solidify Travel Agreements in Writing

    If you’re lucky enough to have had an amicable divorce, that’s great! But don’t fall into a lull of security by thinking everything is kosher when it comes to travel plans. All divorced parents are responsible for obtaining proper paperwork before going on vacation with their kids.

    If you fail to follow-up on the proper paperwork, you could be out a substantial amount of money for non-refundable flights, hotel reservations, and entertainment tickets.

  • Open the Lines of Communication

    Not only is it important for you, as an adult, to communicate your plans with your ex; it’s also essential your children have a free pathway of communication.

    Your kids may feel anxious about going to an unknown place without both parents. This is actually quite natural, but the fear needs to be addressed by way of free-flowing communication. A family therapist in Las Vegas might recommend regularly-scheduled Facetime or phone calls with the other parent leading up to the departure.

    While away, make sure your kids have easy access to the other parent if they want to share stories, talk about their anxieties, or explore their excitement.

  • Be Flexible

    If you want to take the kids out of town for Christmas, put Thanksgiving on the table as an olive branch. Remember, your kids have two parents who want to enjoy time with them.

Contact Kayenta, Family Therapists in Las Vegas

If you’ve found yourself quarreling with your ex when it’s time to plan vacations, a family therapist in Las Vegas may be able to help. Reach out to our team at Kayenta Therapy Centers so we can help you talk through the difficulties and come up with a good solution that works for everyone. Call 702-438-7800 to schedule an appointment today.

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How Therapy in Las Vegas Can help you Celebrate Valentine’s Day Alone

“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” – Oscar Wilde Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and with it comes a weeklong build-up of pop-up flower shops and coupled friends sharing their special day plans and present ideas. All of this can make being single, even for those of us who otherwise […]

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” – Oscar Wilde

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and with it comes a weeklong build-up of pop-up flower shops and coupled friends sharing their special day plans and present ideas. All of this can make being single, even for those of us who otherwise enjoy it, feel a bit down and out of the mainstream. It can be challenging to feel happy and satisfied on this holiday. At least until you recognize you can celebrate Valentine’s Day as an individual. Don’t let the diamond commercials get you down, check out these tips and join therapy in Las Vegas to assure you have a joyful February:

  1. Get to Know Yourself Better.

    Where other couples celebrate their commitment to each other, now is the time to celebrate your commitment to the number one person in your life: You. Take time out and complete a full Myers Brigg assessment to get an outside/inside view of your personality type, preferences, and inherent strengths. Talk to a therapist in Las Vegas to sit with you and discuss your list. Then, grab a journal and write down at least ten things you’re grateful for in your life and ten things you want to do this month, year, decade.

  2. Indulge Yourself.

    Give yourself credit for how amazing you are and all you’ve done to get yourself to this point. Spend the weekend before Valentine’s Day (or the night-of) and rent an AirBnb out-of-town, go for a spa day, or buy yourself that thing you’ve been drooling over. Now is the time to treat yourself.

  3. Plan a Dinner Date with a Friend.

    Chances are you’re not the only single person you know. This is a great opportunity to celebrate close friends or family members who have been with you along the way. Get a few single friends together to have dinner or even throw a game night.

  4. Get Joyful By Spreading Joy.

    Giving and doing things for others is a great way to pull anyone out of a funk. Brain research has shown altruistic behavior releases endorphins that produce positive feelings in what’s being called a “helper’s high“. Look back at that Myers Brigg assessment and consider where and what you can best contribute. Consider volunteering at a local shelter, playing card games at a senior citizen home, or walking dogs at the animal shelter. There are tons of ways to spread love and happiness, and you’ll find that making someone else’s day often will make your own a lot brighter.

Receive Therapy in Las Vegas

Don’t let Valentine’s Day get you down. Start by loving yourself and others. Contact Kayenta, at 702-438-7800 for therapy in Las Vegas and to get yourself on the right track.

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How Las Vegas Counseling Can Help You Create Self Happiness

True happiness isn’t something someone else gives us, but rather something we give ourselves. It can feel like the most elusive of human desires, especially for those seeking Las Vegas counseling, yet it’s something you can create, have, and enjoy. The first important step is in understanding you cannot tie your happiness solely to an […]

True happiness isn’t something someone else gives us, but rather something we give ourselves. It can feel like the most elusive of human desires, especially for those seeking Las Vegas counseling, yet it’s something you can create, have, and enjoy.

The first important step is in understanding you cannot tie your happiness solely to an external factor. Do not only rely on a significant other, career, or object to set the stage for your happiness. All of these things can be fleeting, and just as a partner can give you joy, they can also take it away. For long-term, deep and lasting happiness, it’s essential for you to understand yourself and raise your own joy and feelings of goodwill.

The following are some ways to help you create self-happiness, but for more specific help, consider personalized Las Vegas counseling.

  • State your achievements.

    It’s way too easy to get consumed with day-to-day living and forget to reflect upon the things you’ve accomplished. Take an hour to sit down and write down the physical and personal achievements you’ve accomplished, goals you’ve surpassed, places you’ve visited, and things you’ve done. This simple activity can put you in a positive place. Make a habit of writing down one event each day that you took happiness in.

  • Fill your day with tiny happy things.

    To continue that point, it’s important to note happiness is often found in the details. Maybe it’s coffee on your porch as the sun rises, chopping vegetables for a stew, or slipping into your sheepskin slippers. Whatever makes you feel calm and at peace, make it a daily habit to reinvigorate yourself.

  • Do something new.

    Don’t let yourself get stuck in stale routines. Invigorate yourself by finding something new you haven’t dared to do before. Maybe it’s joining a new social or yoga group, or maybe it’s a new hobby, such as scrapbooking or bird watching. New experiences and activities shake things up and can help you be more mindful of the things you choose to do.

Contact Kayenta for Las Vegas Counseling

The first ingredient for happiness is you. Of course, sometimes it can feel extremely hard, and impossible to get out of a depression and turn melancholy into happiness. It’s important to not laze around in bed during these hard times and instead get up, be creative, do something new, and fill your life full of the little things that make you happy. Schedule a Las Vegas counseling session with Kayenta. Our professional therapists will help you with crafting self-happiness. Call 702-438-7800 to get started today.

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Ways to Get Your New Year’s Resolutions Back on Track with Las Vegas Therapy

The desire for self-improvement is a lucrative American hobby. After all, many of us make a New Year’s resolution every year. We want to lose more weight, get a better job, exercise more, and nix the bad habits. Yet, despite all are good intentions to create a better version of us, many of us fall […]

The desire for self-improvement is a lucrative American hobby. After all, many of us make a New Year’s resolution every year. We want to lose more weight, get a better job, exercise more, and nix the bad habits. Yet, despite all are good intentions to create a better version of us, many of us fall off.

The biggest problem is letting small slip-ups snowball into failure and not trying again. You can always reset and refresh your New Year’s resolutions and goals. One solution is to reset and institute healthy habits at the start of every week. That’s 52 chances to brush off the slip-ups and soldier on to a winning resolution. Plus, with Las Vegas therapy, you’re sure to excel in all your new year’s goals.

Here are some other great tips for resetting and succeeding your resolutions with and without Las Vegas therapy:

  • Review your goals every month.

    At the start of each month, review and reevaluate your original goals for 2017. Were they too vague? Seem too insurmountable? If so, take time out to revamp your ideas and work with a Las Vegas therapy expert to map out your year with achievable milestones that’ll take you across your resolution finish line.

  • Enlist a friend.

    It can be extremely difficult to replace bad habits with good ones. Especially if you’re the only one who knows you’re doing so. Enlist a friend, workout partner, or co-worker to regularly remind you of your goals and help you achieve those goals via partnership and encouraging reminders. Such resolution assistance can take many forms. Maybe it’s helping you draft a better resume for a new job or calling you every weekend to go workout. Whatever the case, buddy systems are winning systems.

  • Mix in resolutions that are fun to do.

    Incorporating meal replacement shakes to satisfy a ‘weight loss’ resolution is rarely called ‘fun’. While you can certainly add and follow these types of goals in your plan, consider also adding resolutions that you like to do. Add in resolutions like ‘learn how to properly juice’ and attend a local juicing class. Meet your goal of getting leaner by joining a local sports club, like ultimate frisbee, soccer, or mountain biking. These types of activities will help you meet your goal in a more entertaining and engaging way than simply doing 50 sit-ups alone in your basement every evening.

Contact Kayenta for Las Vegas Therapy

Finding success with New Year resolutions isn’t often easy. It’s hard to make sustainable and impactful changes in our lives and personalities. Consistent reviewing, working with friends, and making fun resolutions are key concepts that’ll help you succeed. But for more help on fleshing out winning resolutions and plans, contact Kayenta at 702-438-7800 to schedule a Las Vegas therapy appointment.

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