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How to Work Through a Quarter-Life Crisis with Las Vegas Therapy

Ah, your 20s and 30s! A time of limitless opportunities and adventures to embrace and enjoy before the period of marriage and a mortgage. Unfortunately, for many of today’s young adults, it is instead a time filled with confusion, uncertainty, and depression. They feel stuck in a sort of permanent adolescence, but with more grown-up responsibilities like unemployment, complicated relationships, and debt. Psychologists now define this is as a “quarter-life crisis.” Getting help with Las Vegas therapy through Kayenta is one way to start working through this crisis.

Young, Insecure and Depressed

Quarter Life Crisis

If you think you’re going through a quarter-life crisis of your own, the “good” news is you’re not alone. Fortunately, most people come out the other side in a better state of mind, and there are plenty of ways, Las Vegas therapy helps to make dealing with and moving past it a little easier. This time of intense soul-searching and stress is typically caused by feeling you’re not achieving your full potential, or are being left behind as your peers seem to become ever more successful.

So how do you make a smooth transition to the “real” adult world when everything and everyone around you is saying you’re not ready?

Working Through a Quarter Life Crisis

The 20s and 30s have always been a period of transition and keeping that in mind can help you stay grounded. Remember, you can’t fix everything in an instant. Be patient, set realistic goals and:

The true source of the discontentment that comes with a quarter-life crisis is within you, not your surroundings. To fix this requires working on improving the way you handle stressful thoughts and situations. Seeking Las Vegas therapy on how to achieve emotional intelligence will help you better cope, keep things in perspective, and grow into a valuable, contributing adult.

Las Vegas Therapy for A Quarter-Life Crisis

There’s no easy way to avoid what you’re going through, any more than a way to skip through this time in your life. Kayenta Therapy can help you maneuver your quarter-life crisis and find your own path in life. Contact us today at 702-438-7800 to learn more about how our Las Vegas therapy center can put you on the road to a successful adulthood.