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How Therapy in Las Vegas Can help you Celebrate Valentine’s Day Alone

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” – Oscar Wilde

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and with it comes a weeklong build-up of pop-up flower shops and coupled friends sharing their special day plans and present ideas. All of this can make being single, even for those of us who otherwise enjoy it, feel a bit down and out of the mainstream. It can be challenging to feel happy and satisfied on this holiday. At least until you recognize you can celebrate Valentine’s Day as an individual. Don’t let the diamond commercials get you down, check out these tips and join therapy in Las Vegas to assure you have a joyful February:

  1. Get to Know Yourself Better.

    Where other couples celebrate their commitment to each other, now is the time to celebrate your commitment to the number one person in your life: You. Take time out and complete a full Myers Brigg assessment to get an outside/inside view of your personality type, preferences, and inherent strengths. Talk to a therapist in Las Vegas to sit with you and discuss your list. Then, grab a journal and write down at least ten things you’re grateful for in your life and ten things you want to do this month, year, decade.

  2. Indulge Yourself.

    Give yourself credit for how amazing you are and all you’ve done to get yourself to this point. Spend the weekend before Valentine’s Day (or the night-of) and rent an AirBnb out-of-town, go for a spa day, or buy yourself that thing you’ve been drooling over. Now is the time to treat yourself.

  3. Plan a Dinner Date with a Friend.

    Chances are you’re not the only single person you know. This is a great opportunity to celebrate close friends or family members who have been with you along the way. Get a few single friends together to have dinner or even throw a game night.

  4. Get Joyful By Spreading Joy.

    Giving and doing things for others is a great way to pull anyone out of a funk. Brain research has shown altruistic behavior releases endorphins that produce positive feelings in what’s being called a “helper’s high“. Look back at that Myers Brigg assessment and consider where and what you can best contribute. Consider volunteering at a local shelter, playing card games at a senior citizen home, or walking dogs at the animal shelter. There are tons of ways to spread love and happiness, and you’ll find that making someone else’s day often will make your own a lot brighter.

Receive Therapy in Las Vegas

Don’t let Valentine’s Day get you down. Start by loving yourself and others. Contact Kayenta, at 702-438-7800 for therapy in Las Vegas and to get yourself on the right track.