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Family Therapy Tips to Help Your Children Cope with Tragedy

Children are often left confused and scared after a loss or frightening event. They may wonder if they are safe or if something could happen again to someone they love, and the anxiety can start to spread into other areas of their lives.

These thoughts and feelings are all normal and responding to them with care is critical to ensuring your children’s well-being. Las Vegas family therapy can equip you with the tools you need to help your children cope.

Give Your Children a Break

Following a tragedy, little minds can get information overload quickly. As more and more information is discussed or revealed, anxiety and stress can increase for your little ones. Turn the news off and keep discussions about family events as private as possible. Have distraction-free conversations with your kids.

Be Honest – to a Point

While you don’t want to mislead your children or gloss over important specifics, there’s no need to go into detail about violent or frightening events. Your kids will probably have lots of questions and being open and honest will help them feel safe. However, be sure to add reassurances to your answers and leave out disturbing details.

Spend Extra Time with Your Kids

In the days and weeks following a tragedy, questions, concerns and other issues will present themselves at unexpected times. Perhaps your child has been thinking about an aspect of the event. By spending extra time with your kids, you’ll not only help build a sense of security, but you’ll also be available for these discussions.

How Las Vegas Family Therapy Can Help

If your child is showing signs of extreme fear and anxiety such as restlessness, difficulty concentrating, or changes in appetite and activity level, consider speaking with a Las Vegas family therapy expert. At Kayenta, we’re dedicated to giving parents and children the tools they need to feel safe and succeed in every area of their lives. Contact us today at 702-4387800 to learn more.