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Anxiety Counseling: How to Cope with COVID-19 Reopenings

As many businesses, schools, and other establishments begin to reopen, you may feel anxious about making your way back into society while COVID-19 is still lingering. Feeling safe can be particularly challenging for people who suffer from anxiety disorders, autoimmune diseases and other chronic conditions. Anxiety counseling can help make the transition less scary, and certain behavioral and lifestyle changes can help you break negative thinking patterns and feel less anxious.

Sit with Your Feelings

How Anxiety Counseling Can Help You Cope with COVID-19 ReopeningsBeing anxious about such a big change is natural, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Recognizing and acknowledging the things that make you uneasy or fearful can help you combat them. Meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga are great ways to calm your nervous system and allow your mind to slow down.

Focus on What You Can Control

It’s important to remember that the only actions you can control are your own. The COVID-19 pandemic has left us with a lot more unknowns, which can be daunting. For example, you can’t control whether other people still wear masks inside the grocery store, but if masking up makes you feel more comfortable and assuages your anxiety, go for it.

Take it Slow

There’s no need to rush into things and immediately feel the need to attend large parties or dine inside restaurants. If you’re anxious about being around other people, meet a friend or two at the park for a picnic or grab a coffee outside at a café. Running errands at off-peak times can help you ease into this ‘new normal’ as well.

Take Good Care of Yourself

Exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep and eating a balanced diet can also lift your spirits, while helping manage your anxiety and depression.

Talk About It

Talk about your fears with a therapist, partner, close friend, family member or someone else you trust to provide compassionate support. You may find that you’re not the only one who’s feeling anxious about such big changes. They may also have discovered some good tools for managing anxiety as you venture back out into this ‘new normal’.


Find Anxiety Counseling in Las Vegas

All of this can seem overwhelming, but seeing a therapist can help you learn the coping skills you need to feel more confident and less anxious about social contact during these uncertain times. Methods such as Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be very effective at breaking negative thought patterns and combating anxiety disorders and depression. Therapy sessions are a safe place where you can share your feelings and fears without judgment.

Develop the skills you need to cope during these challenging times by scheduling an in-person or telehealth counseling session at Kayenta Therapy. Contact a therapist directly in Las Vegas to get started today.