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What to do if the school counselor calls you?

School Counselor

Often when a parent gets a call from a school counselor they go into panic mode straight away. Parental brains go to thinking “What is wrong with my child?” or “What did my child do?”. One thing to note is school counselors can call for many reasons, including academic issues, social development, and personal issues.

If a school counselor does call you about personal or social issues, the best thing you can do is listen. You will want to find out what is happening at school that has triggered the call. Is this a problem that has stemmed from something that is happening at school or is it something happening outside of school?

If the problem is not school or education related, then your school counselor may suggest resources outside of the school. They may suggest your child visit a child therapist in Las Vegas.

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What to Do When the School Counselor Suggest Outside Help

It is hard not to panic when the school counselor calls and suggests getting outside help. It is better to view this as an opportunity, though. An opportunity to get your child help before issues become bigger.

Another advantage to getting help outside of school is your child is more likely to open up without the added pressure of thinking everyone in the school knows they are seeing a counselor.

You can be assured the school counselor has not made this call on a whim, something has triggered the call and it is likely something to take note of and get help for.

Why A School Counselor May Refer You to a Child Therapist in Las Vegas

There are many reasons a school counselor may call you about getting further help for your child, including:

The school counselor may suggest the names of outside counseling groups; however, as the parent you get to make the final decision on who you choose as your child’s counselor.

You will want to find someone that can connect with your child. You will also want a convenient location so it is easier to be there for scheduled appointments.

Child Therapist in Las Vegas

If you are in need of a group of independent therapists, Kayenta Therapy Center provides a range of therapy services. We have a large staff base making it easier for you to find the right fit for your child. For over 10 years our therapy centers have provided help to the residents of Las Vegas at 702-438-7800.

If your school counselor calls and suggests therapy for your child, contact the team at Kayenta Therapy Center.