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How a Counselor Can Help You Maintain Motivation When Suffering Depression

Motivation is what keeps us going, even when we feel the odds are stacked against us. It’s the inner voice that says, “Don’t give up, you’re almost there.” What about when life’s obstacles appear to block our path to success?

Staying motivated can be difficult in the best of times. If you’re dealing with depression, it can be even harder. Las Vegas counseling can help you maintain motivation and reach your personal goals.

Maintain Motivation

Depression can make it difficult for you to engage in your normal activities. A therapist can help you sustain motivation, identify goals, and work with you to break them down into manageable steps that increase your optimism and self-confidence.

When feeling depressed taking action of any kind sounds impossible. While it’s always important to give depression the attention it needs, it’s equally important to understand the concept of “mind over matter” can help create motivation when you’re depressed. In other words, if you make just a few changes in mindset, you can change your experience with depression.

Improve Low Motivation

There are many ways counseling can help you improve motivation. Here are just three:

  1. A counselor can help you discover new skills you can connect to a life situation and personal goals.
  2. A counselor can help you learn to focus on positive experiences and expectations as a way to reach your goals. Revisiting past successes helps you identify strengths and abilities you may not see while depressed.
  3. A counselor can help re-frame negative experiences in a more positive light. It’s easy to get discouraged about the future when your depression causes you to think about unpleasant past experiences. You can learn to recognize the coping skills you once used to get through a tough time are, in fact, strengths that can be used in the present moment.

How Las Vegas Counseling can Help

Depression does not have to consume your motivation. With the help of Las Vegas counseling, you can learn how to stay motivated and continue to work towards your goal, even while dealing with depression. Call Kayenta Therapy at 702-438-7800 to learn more.